Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thursday's Wednesday Post

Wow...I guess it didn't post. Or I didn't. I have been on vacation and was pretty certain I posted another segment of the book on Saturday...or maybe because I was running from the daunting black flies of Lake Superior...or maybe the DEET that was slathered all over my body to protect myself (IMPORTANT ALERT: Black flies simply adore DEET. They swim in it, broadcast to their fly buddies there is another newbie from Tennessee thinking he can outsmart their "superior" intellects, they seem to get a get a frantic buzz when they smell it that enables them to adhere to your body like a bulldog on a pork chop)...or maybe I just shut my mind off for a few days. Regardless it was not there. So, I ask some grace, and be assured that I will post the regular segment on Saturday.

All kidding aside, the time off was very rewarding. It was a wonderful time to experience one of the most magnificent displays of nature along the North Shore of Lake Superior in a town called Lutsen. Me, Bentley and a dear friend for 5 days: an array of watercolor painted skies with storytelling clouds, one otter, lazy gulls, loons signing afternoon blues, a ballet of evening dragonflies, treasure hunting in golden tide pools, root beer colored waterfalls, and plenty of exercise running for our lives from the terror of the black flies.

Enjoy the brief offering. And I would love to hear YOUR black flies or other related adventures.

Spelunkeringly -- B&B

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