Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday's Wednesday Post

From Lake Superior -- The Rocks Can be Slippery

While walking along the rocky shoreline one morning this week, Bentley courageously barking at the gentle breakers and sniffing tide pools, I planted my foot on what I thought was a dry and steady rock covered with rough green-black moss and orange lichen. And I slipped, catching myself before almost falling onto the sawtooth edges of the surrounding boulders. There was no harm done, but the close call hit me later that day while I was reading and considering how magically the horizon appeared to melt together with the varnished steel of the water. **Note to the casual tide poolist: do not attempt while wearing flip-flops.

Like when exploring unfamiliar mosaics of bouldered shorelines, the terrain of
relationships we traverse across through life often appear as dry, solid and steady footing. So, we plant our foot thinking it will hold...and we slip. And sometimes we catch ourselves. And sometimes we fall. And sometimes the jagged edges tear. And in time the bruises and cuts scab over like lichen or green-black moss. And we set out again. But today, During this stumbled moment I realized that the footing has nothing to do with the surface or path I take or mist or waves breaking over the rocks. It has everything to do with what you "see" as your rock. The things of this world and our ways for traversing life's surfaces challenges will always offer unpredictable footing.

Ps 18:2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.

QUESTION: When was the last time you slipped? What rock were you standing on? How did you stready yourself to move ahead?


Anonymous said...

Where is the next segment? An adicted reader.

Brian Kagan said...

Here is an email response I got, and I was given permission to post it as ANONYMOUS. I value and treasure the transparency. GIGATT


Last time I slipped? Recently, when standing on the rock of self-reliance and pride. I had taken myself to a place where I was hungry, angry and tired (have you heard of the HALT warning...never enter a situation where you’re any combination of ‘Hungry-Angry-Lonely-Tired’? it begs the potential for a meltdown?)....

Then it happened. I slipped, big time. I melted down. I’d pushed too far, beyond the human limitations of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual capabilities. And, my fall happened in the presence of two friends and one hurting spirit. Some good I was for the hurting spirit (sarcasm).

The steadying came from a) two other friends and mentors who bolstered me into a state of balanced calm, and b) the True Friend, Jesus Christ, my Savior, who listened so sweetly to my heart, placed Scripture passages in my spirit so carefully, and carried me through the heaving, sobbing moments--allowing me to rest and heal in His arms of love, comfort and peace.