Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Survey says...."

I know you are very excited to have this chance to....control yourself...hold the gleeful cheers...stop jumping up and down like that so you don;t hurt yourself...yes, that's right: a survey. Ah, but wait, this is a first. For me.

After having visited and read my book blog (and have even accepted messages from Bentley), you know that there are more than a few issues I have, and continue, to deal with along my messy path. Needless to say, it is not easy to lay myself out there and ask you what you think about these last four months of posts. Let alone what I will have to struggle at my next session with Jim if no one chooses to answer these 15 questions (actually, fewer if you only answer the multiple choice questions).

So, is there one of you out there? If so, here's link:

Me and Jim thank you...OK Bentley too.

Wrote on.


P.S. I will keep the post open this week (wishing, wishing) and let you know what the one response revealed.

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