Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday's Wednesday Post

As I mentioned in my last post, this Saturday's post will be the last segment of the book. In thinking past that benchmark, I am considering posting a link to a mini-survey (about 10 questions) the week following to determine what the overall takeaways were from the readers, and if there might be a some support for me continuing using this WRITING INBETWEEN site for 1) brief thoughts about the "continuation" of insights, outsights, hindsights, frontsights... along the way, 2) if there is anyone out there (besides my sister) who might be interested in getting the book in a form to send/share with other people, 3) if there might be interest in my posting small segments from my next book, "No thank you, I'm just looking," addressing my dilemma about why so many people keep trying so hard to "sell" this faith thing, when it is a gift given freely by God, 4) other ways to keep this little community (l)inked together, 4) if Bentley should have his own blog, "Paws with Bentley" or "Life, viewed from 8 inches off the ground" or a title suggestion from you. I'm just kidding about #4 (unless....).

I will make the survey VERY BRIEF AND EASY so that you might actually take the time to do it. :)

Thanks, again and again and again for sharing the ink.

Write on.


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