Monday, October 13, 2008


Not my usual schedule. But like so many days along this voyage I checked my blog site to see if anyone had read the past segment post. And tears welled in my eyes as I notices the spike of visitors being the highest since we departed. 26 people actually read the post which is the highest to date. To imagine that this many people would give me this part of their day, mingle the inks of our lives is so very staggering to me. I was told the other day by a very close new friend and mentor, you know who you are GH :),when he read the draft of the intro to my new book that I should stop being so self-deprecating. "It is OK to receive people who want to touch and share time in your life. And you are worthy of reading." Still, it is so difficult to accept; to stop watching the reruns of my past B Movie.

So, as the raindrops tear across my windows on this rainy Monday in Minnesota, I thank you for your time and heart.

Write on.

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